Building Linux packages for different CPU architectures with Docker and QEMU

作者: Martin Grigorov


Many Linux open source projects provide only source code releases. To be able to use them the users need to download the source code and to build it, usually by executing steps like: ./configure,make and make install.

Some users prefer this way because they have the chance to configure the software by passing specific arguments to the ./configure script. It is also the preferred way from security point of view — the person responsible for managing the system is certain that this is the original version of the source code and no one added anything on top.

ARM CPU Vendor 及 Part ID 映射关系(持续更新)


根据ARM CPU官方技术手册,ARM CPU的CPU型号、Vendor、版本等信息存于MIDR_EL1寄存器中:
其中从低至高第0-3 bit表示revision,代表固件版本的小版本号,如r1p3中的p3;
第4-15 bit表示part number(id),代表这款CPU在所在vendor产品中定义的产品代码,如在HiSilicon产品中,part_id=0xd01代表Kunpeng-920芯片;
第16-19 bit表示architecture,即架构版本,0x8即ARMv8;
第20-23 bit表示variant,即固件版本的大版本号,如r1p3中的r1;
第24-31 bit表示implementer,即vendor id,如vendor_id=0x48表示HiSilicon

Linux下获取ARMv8-A CPU详情的3种方法


在ARM平台上进行软件适配时,经常遇到需要根据不同CPU的具体型号、额外属性等信息进行分支处理的需求,因而需要获取CPU的详情信息;ARM架构CPU与X86架构芯片在CPU详情信息的呈现上有很大不同。本文将简述ARM CPU与CPU详情相关的知识及在Linux下获取ARMv8-A CPU详情的三种方法。

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