A quick sanity testing of PostgreSQL parallel query on Arm64

译者: bzhaoopenstack
作者: Amit Dattatray Khandekar
原文链接: https://amitdkhan-pg.blogspot.com/2021/04/a-quick-sanity-testing-of-parallel.html


Need for external compression methods in PostgreSQL

译者: bzhaoopenstack
作者: Amit Dattatray Khandekar
原文链接: https://amitdkhan-pg.blogspot.com/2020/08/need-for-external-compression-methods.html



作者: bzhaoopenstack


Test MariaDB CONNECT storage engine on arm64 platform


MariaDB’s connect storage engine is an exciting storage engine.

The reason why it’s exciting is that the storage engine can do so much. Except for OLTP field, it is almost omnipotent. It can directly use SQL to query external files. It supports various common text files and log files. As long as you tell CONNECT the record format, you can use SQL to query and analyze. It also supports common file formats such as JSON, XML and INI. In addition to supporting local files, remote data can also be queried directly through the rest interface. For local files, in addition to query, it also supports insert, delete and other functions. It can also realize the dblink function in Oracle, that is, it can remotely query the tables of another database, even different types of databases, including Mysql, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc., and even MongoDB of NoSQL type. Of course, on this basis, it is easier to import external files into the database, and it is more powerful and flexible than mysqlimport, because it can realize various format conversion and filtering. The same is true for exporting data to an external file. It also supports querying compressed files (currently only in ZIP format). Even binary file queries and updates are supported. The engine also supports virtual table which functions similar to Oracle’s dual. It can also support a variety of functions, such as single row to multi row, row column conversion, multi table mapping to a table.

In a word, with the CONNECT storage engine, everything can be transformed into SQL, and SQL can be transformed into everything.

Next, let’s take a look at the performance of the connect storage engine on the arm64 platform.


作者: zhaorenhai





Monitor MariaDB database on the arm64 platform

Author: zhaorenhai

This article attempts to explore some useful performance monitoring tools on the arm64 platform that can be used to monitor MariaDB databases.

How do top programming languages connect to MariaDB database on arm64 platform

Author: zhaorenhai

This article attempts to explore how several top programming languages connect to MariaDB database on the arm64 platform, and test whether the addition, deletion, modification, and query functions are normal. Include the following languages: C, Java, Node.js, Python, Go, Rust, PHP

Backup and recovery test of MariaDB on arm64 platform

Author: zhaorenhai

This article plans to test the operation of MariaDB’s backup and recovery function on the arm64 platform, and provide a reference for those interested in deploying MariaDB on the arm64 platform.

The test platform chooses the 8C16G Kunpeng virtual machine on Huawei Cloud, the OS is Ubuntu 18.04, and MariaDB we plan to choose the latest version on github for testing.

Hybrid deployment of MariaDB cluster on x86 and arm64

Author: zhaorenhai

This article attempts to deploy MariaDB clusters on x86 and arm64 platforms to see if the deployment can be successful.
The deployment environment is carried out on HUAWEI CLOUD. The OS is openEuler 20.03 version and MariaDB version is 10.3.9.
In the official MariaDB documentation, there are two types of high-availability environment deployment methods. The simpler one is replication, and then the Galera cluster.
Let’s try these two high-availability environments separately, whether they support mixed deployment on x86 and arm64 platforms.


作者: wangxiyuan


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